04Sorry, you can't save this file over an existing stack. Please give the file a new name or save it in a different folder.\^OK
04Sorry, the serial port selected for the laserdisc player is in use. Please unuse it and restart HyperStudio.\^OK
64Your printer port is currently
being used (probably by AppleTalk), so I can't control the LaserDisc player.
Please make sure the printer port is available and restart HyperStudio.\^OK
84The card size and number of colors you chose require more memory than HyperStudio currently has.
You can either reduce the card size and number of colors,
or change the amount of memory available to HyperStudio from the Finder.
24Sorry, your card size must be at least 40 wide and 40 high\^OK
74In your new stack do you want the same card size
and number of colors as in the current stack?\^Yes\No
44System 7 is required to launch documents with HyperStudio.\^OK
04The video digitizer does not work with your monitor or its current setting. You might need to change to a stack with more colors.\^OK
04This item is currently locked and can't be edited.
Do you want to unlock it?\^Yes\No
34Sorry, there was problem opening the QuickTime movie.\^OK
64The image you are working with has become damaged. If you've made changes then you should save the stack to a new name, then quit HyperStudio and try again.\^OK
04It appears that the stack has become damaged. If you've made changes then you should save the stack to a new name, then try to reload it.\^OK
04The file you chose is already in use, so I could not open it.\^OK
74You've just created a new stack, it is called "Untitled" and you are on the first card. You can now paint with the paint tools, add buttons and use "New Card" to add more cards.
84I've found a bad value in the current stack. If you are working on this stack you should save it to a new name and then reload it. If this error occurs again, you might want to delete the card that causes this error and recreate it.\^OK
54I'm unable to find the LaserDisc Player, please:
- Check player power and connections.
- Turn off internal/Express modem.
- Check player for disc.\^Try Again\Continue\Cancel
74I'm sorry, I can't currently convert GS stacks on black and white machines. If you can, convert and save the stack on a color machine, then load it with this machine\^OK
04This movie doesn't contain any pictures.
It probably has some sound in it, which will play when your button is clicked.\^OK
04Sorry, you can't change white or black.\^OK
24The digitizer is not responding, please check the setup.\^OK
04Because of the error, HyperStudio was not able to load the entire stack. The stack's name was changed.\^OK
21Sorry, HyperStudio needs system 6.0.7 or better to run.\^OK
03HyperStudio no longer has enough memory to undo painting, delete painted text, or save changes to backgrounds.\^OK
53Alas, poor HyperStudio I knew him well.
Sorry, HyperStudio could not get enough
memory to display a card, and so must quit.\^Anon
24I'm sorry, I can't load this file because it is not a stack.\^OK
83The stack you are about to save is only one card from the Tip of the Day! stack. You probably do not want to save it over your Tip of the Day! stack. You can cancel now or go on and give the stack a name (you can cancel there also).\^Cancel\Continue
34Sorry, I can't save the file because this disk is locked.\^OK
44Sorry, there isn't enough space left on
this disk to save this file.\^OK
04There is not enough memory to change to that many colors.\^OK
03HyperStudio is running very low on memory.
You should save any changes and restart HyperStudio.\^OK
43Unable to save user information.
Please make sure the disk is online and unlocked\^OK
74You did not enter a valid serial number, please try again.
Serial numbers contain 15 characters.
You can use the tab key to move to the serial number field.\^OK
44You did not enter a valid name, please try again.\^OK
54I could not find a video source, if you want to try again you must hold down the option key.\^OK
53Not enough memory to make this command undoable, do you wish to continue anyway?\^Yes\No
44Sorry, I can't run this QuickTime movie, you don't have QuickTime.\^OK
44Sorry, I can only convert stacks created with HyperStudio version 3.0 or later.\^OK
44Sorry, I haven't seen any marked cards yet.\^OK
54This picture is a different size than the card,
do you want it to re-sized so that it fits?\^Yes\No
54Some kind of error has prevented HyperStudio from saving this graphic file.\^OK
64HyperStudio is running very low on memory,
some new edited text may have been lost on this,
or the last viewed card.\^OK
44An error has occurred during printing.\^OK
74IΓÇÖm having trouble reading the sounds and icons from this stack. The stack may load but without sounds and icons.\^Continue
44Sorry, some kind of error has occurred.\^OK
44Sorry, this field is full. Text fields can only hold about 30,000 characters.\^OK
34Not enough memory to save this background.\^OK
03This stack was changed, do you want to save it?\^Save\Cancel\Don't Save
24Unable to read this TIFF file.\^OK
24HyperStudio cannot read this kind of TIFF file.\^OK
44Network version of HyperStudio is required.\^OK
44HyperStudio is running very low on memory.\^OK
34Not enough memory available to complete this operation.\^OK
24Sorry, I can't find that card.\^OK
33A fatal memory error occurred, program must terminate.\^Sorry
74This stack cannot be loaded by this version of HyperStudio.
Contact Roger Wagner Publishing for update information.\^OK
54This disk/file is locked.
Unable to save important information.
Please unlock disk/file and click 'OK'\^OK\Cancel
34Unable to complete this button.
The disk was full.\^OK
34Unable to complete this button.
The disk was locked.\^OK
54This stack must be saved before continuing.\^Save\Cancel